Saturday, 31 March 2012


  We are so sick of outside food. So, hey, why don’t we cook for ourselves! We decided to cook during the weekends, and boy how nice it is!  Lia has her rice cooker which somehow can be used to cook anything, and we decided to borrow our friend, Akmal’s induction cooker/ metal plate stove, or whatever it is called:P.  Thanks ya!

   That day, after our aerobic session at Murni hall, we went to Mydin to buy the ingredients. Owh, I forgot to mention that we decided to cook ‘Ayam masak lemak cili api’ and ‘ sayur goreng’. We had a limited budget so we were VERY careful in choosing the ingredients, and finally, we only spent RM17! Can you believe it?! We bought such small amount of tumeric that it only costs us 55scent, ‘asam keping’ for only 18scent, and ginger for only 15scent! We even bought the chicken for only RM7…

   So, after finishing with the ingredients, we set up our cooking appliances down at the DM3 hall. It was a good thing that the weather was very nice that day.  The first step of our major cooking session was to cut all the ingredients that was needed. Sadly, there was no chopping board, and we only had two knives. So we just used whatever we had. We used our plates as the chopping board, and of course only two people can do the cutting. Lia and me were in charge of cutting, and I can still hear the sounds of the others commenting and complaining of how I hold the knife, and the state of the cut vegetables. Well, I know it may be of different sizes, but that is how I roll. This is what we call Yang’s STYLE of cooking.
  Partly, that was the only major step of the cooking…the other steps just involves us throwing everything inside the pot. At first the dish doesn’t look very nice, but after hours of mixing and tasting, thank God it turned out great!



And now, its MAKAN time! Nothing tastes better than home cooked meal, or in this case, hostel cooked meal:D. Lia, Amal, Waa, and Tasha, even though we had a lot of arguments throughout the cooking session, we still had fun and our tummies are full! Thanks for the great time!


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